What is Sunday morning worship like at Faith Church?
Our Sunday service has a blend of traditional and contemporary worship elements and music. Communion is celebrated monthly and is served by our Pastor and our Church Board members. The length of worship tends to be around an hour.
What is our congregation like?
Our church family comes from numerous towns and municipalities in our area, and numerous Christian backgrounds. As a United Church of Christ congregation serving a multi-generational church community, Faith Church strives to welcome all. We are small enough to build strong personal relationships, but big enough to have a meaningful and long-enduring presence in our community. About 50 of us gather for worship each Sunday.
What times are Sunday services?
Worship begins at 10:15 from September through May. Children attend the first part of the worship service with parents or Sunday school teachers and then children age 3 through 6th grade go to Sunday school from 10:30-11:15 AM. During the summer there is no Sunday school and we worship at 9:30 AM.
What is our Sunday school like?
We invite all families to attend our informal Sunday school program! Our goal is to share God's love and the teachings of Jesus through engaging lessons, activities, and games. We hold weekly, age-appropriate classes from September through May. Sunday school starts at 10:30 AM after children attend the opening of the worship service and have a brief lesson with the pastor. We also host community wide missions for the children to participate in, confirmation classes and adult bible study.
Is there a nursery or childcare available?
A nursery room is available for infants and parents outside the sanctuary during the worship service with audio feed from the service. A separate room is available as a play area where children ages 3-6 may go after the Pastor’s Children’s Lesson in the first part of the worship service.
What activities are there for youth and young adults?
Faith United Church of Christ is committed to serving all of our members, no matter their age. Our Teen Sunday school includes fun fellowship activities for youth in grades 7-12. We meet kid's spiritual needs and interests through fun Bible lessons, field trips, and fun nights. We also encourage teens to give back to our community by volunteering and participating in mission projects throughout the year.
Is the church building accessible and safe?
There is an elevator available at the west entrance, and front and rear pew wheelchair spaces are provided.
We have in place and yearly review policies and procedures to ensure safe conduct with children and vulnerable adults, and to prevent and report sexual harassment. These policies may be viewed here:
Code of Conduct with Youth and Vulnerable Adults
Harassment Prevention Policy
What is the United Church of Christ?
Formed in 1958 with ambitions of uniting and connecting among varying Protestant Christian denominations, The United Church of Christ (UCC) is a distinct and diverse community of Christians that come together as one church to join faith and action. With over 5,000 churches and nearly one million members across the U.S., the UCC serves God in the co-creation of a just and sustainable world. The UCC is a church of firsts, a church of extravagant welcome, and a church where "…they may all be one" (John 17:21). Find out more: https://www.ucc.org/about
What is our mission as a church?
Our mission is to honor and serve God; proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in word and action; provide knowledge, understanding and nurture in the Christian Faith, enabling all peoples to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ; create a warm and committed Christian Fellowship for people of all ages; and minister to the needs of others in the name of Jesus Christ.
How long has Faith Church been around?
While Faith United Church of Christ was established in 1960 and our sanctuary completed in 1964, our roots in the Boston Valley go back to 1834. St. Paul’s Evangelical and Reformed Church and the Boston Community Church joined together to form Faith Church just three years after the formation of the United Church of Christ (UCC) as a denomination. The desire and intention of the UCC and of Faith Church was and is to seek unity and collaboration across former denominational differences and harmony across religious and cultural differences. READ MORE HISTORY