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(Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license # A-741227. All rights reserved.)
For Sunday bulletin click here
Our Sunday service has a blend of traditional and contemporary worship elements and music. Communion is celebrated monthly. The length of worship tends to be less than an hour.
Our church family comes from numerous towns and municipalities in our area, and numerous Christian backgrounds. As a United Church of Christ congregation serving a multi-generational church community, Faith Church strives to welcome all. We are small enough to build strong personal relationships, but big enough to have a meaningful and long-enduring presence in our community. About 50 of us gather for worship each Sunday.
Worship Times
During the summer our worship service is Sundays at 9:30 AM.
From September through June worship is at 10:15 AM. And children age 3 through 8th grade go to Sunday school at 10:30 after the pastor gives the children's lesson.

Faith United Church of Christ Boston, NY
Faith United Church of Christ Boston, NY

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