About Faith United Church, Boston, NY
We are a United Church of Christ congregation of open and welcoming followers of Jesus Christ - open to his teachings, open to the leading of the Holy Spirit, and open to all. If you have doubts, are seeking, or just curious, give us a try. We'd love to meet you!
Our Vision
To provide a welcoming house of worship for all peoples, ministering to them, so that they may come to know God more deeply and follow Christ more closely.
Our Church Mission
To honor and serve God.
To proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ in word and action.
To provide knowledge, understanding and nurturing in the Christian Faith, enabling all peoples to grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.
To create a warm and committed Christian Fellowship for people of all ages
To minister to the needs of others in the name of Jesus Christ.
Our Covenant of Inclusion
We are a Christian community of faith, centered in love, committed to welcoming and affirming all people as children of God. We believe that God as shown to us in his son Jesus Christ calls us to acknowledge and accept each person’s uniqueness. In our life together we respect the integrity of each person’s identity, life, and culture. We publicly and enthusiastically welcome and affirm people of every age, race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, physical and mental ability, economic status, and family structure into the full membership, leadership, ministry, and sacramental life of our congregation. We covenant to reach out and support each other in our celebrations, sorrows, spiritual growth, and personal ministries, calling forth the gifts of God in each of us. We pray that, guided by the Holy Spirit, we may grow in knowledge, vigilance, and sensitivity to become ever more fully the inclusive community of faith that God is calling us to be.
Our History
Faith United Church of Christ was established in 1960, three years after the formation of the United Church of Christ as a denomination. Our church was formed from two antecedent church bodies, the Boston Community Christian Church and St. Paul's Evangelical and Reformed Church. Read More
Our church family is about 160 members strong. Our Sunday service combines traditional and contemporary worship styles. We are a church rich in diversity yet one in Christ as we work, worship, learn, and grow together. Our Faith Church community includes Boston, Colden, Glenwood, Concord, Eden, Hamburg, Orchard Park, Springville and other neighboring towns. We invite everyone living in Boston and the surrounding areas to worship with us.
Won’t you please join us this Sunday?
Elevator at entrance in our church building
Worship service dvds distributed weekly
Front pew wheelchair access
Altar flowers delivered to the ill and homebound
Visitation by the Pastor and members
Communion to the homebound by the Pastor
Covenantal Partners
As a United Church of Christ (UCC) congregation, Faith UCC has covenantal partnerships with the various settings of the church.
We are covenantal partners with other regional UCC churches and Disciples of Christ churches in the Western New York Area Churches in Covenant. This partnership enables us to share resources, meet together as faith communities, and explore our faith with other residents of Western New York.
Faith UCC is also in covenant with our conference, the New York Conference of the United Church of Christ (www.uccny.org) with offices located in Syracuse. The New York Conference provides staff, resources, and communication support. The New York Conference meets annually with delegates, clergy, and visitors, for workshops, worship, election of officers, budget approval, and the study and exploration of social issues.
Our national covenantal partner is the UCC (www.ucc.org) based in Cleveland, Ohio. Through the national office we receive spiritual and informational resources, support for local and global missions, support for local church development, and an ongoing relationship with the larger church. The national church meets biennially for workshops, worship, elections of officers, budget approval, and the study and passage of resolutions.
Safe Conduct and Harassment Prevention
We have in place and yearly review policies and procedures to ensure safe conduct with children and vulnerable adults, and to prevent and report sexual harassment. Those policies may be viewed here: Code of Conduct with Youth and Vulnerable Adults Harassment Prevention Policy